Saturday, February 18, 2012


You know those days when you feel like you are just really being hit with lots of bad stuff all at once? Where everything that could possibly go wrong does- and you feel like it has to be over soon because so much bad stuff has happened, and then you wake up and even more bad stuff happens the next day? That has been our week in a nutshell. Everything from me putting Michael's cell phone through the washer AND the dryer and ruining it completely to our car breaking down clear down town and us being stranded for a good 3 hours until auntie em came to save the day, and much MUCH more but I'll save you the details. I am exhausted and in serious need of a good day!! Well it finally happened today- a good day and it was lovely. Nothing spectacular, but nothing bad and I'll take it!! Just hot hubby and I running errands together. Also we sold Bertha today so that was good news. Now we're a 1 car family.
I fly out to Denver for work EARLY Monday morning to recruit at a job fair. It should be fun but will be a loooong day. And then just a few more days until we wake up to this beautiful sight....

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