Friday, November 14, 2008

Shopping and Milk Shakes, O MY!

Michael and I went to that blue goose boutique last night in lehi and it was a lot of fun. It was pouring rain on our drive down which made it even more fun! We ended up getting a few new ties for Michael, some super cute wrapping paper, a new toy for soph and Michael got me some really pretty pearl earrings!! Then on our drive home we stopped for a raspberry cheesecake milk shake (YUMMO!) and when we got home we watched the office and ER. It was a good night. And I had some energy which was nice so I was able to enjoy it and not be miserable!! YIPPEE!! I'm looking forward to the big Christmas show tomorrow at the expo center. What a good husband I have too- he's going with me. I hope he doesn't get too bored!!

PS. We also filled up our car with gas... $21.88 HOLY COW!!!

1 comment:

Elisa said...

I'm sorry you're sick. Are you feeling any better lately?