- I left this morning to run errands and it was so beautiful and spring like outside that I decided to splurge and get a pedicure! Hot pink baby! So excited spring is here.
- About 5 minutes after I got home it was snowing out my windows and I found myself sipping on hot chocolate.
- I have completely lost my voice. I have been fighting this dumb cold for about a week now and on Sunday I lost hearing in one of my ears and today I lost my voice. The really great thing about all of this is I have an interview tomorrow (for a job I really want!). I have a feeling it's not going to go so well, hence the sipping hot chocolate. Trying anything I can to soothe my throat and get the voice back in time for the interview!
- On Saturday coming back from one of our MANY trips to Home Depot for our laundry room project, we passed a GARAGE SALE!! Wahoo!! THEY ARE HEEEEEEEEEEERE!! I seriously could cry tears of joy over this. I found this lovely lady...
She needs A LOT of TLC, but I am so excited to get working on her!!
Wahoo! Did I mention, THEY'RE
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