Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Goodbyes Begin

OK so I know this blog will sound really ridiculous, but tonight I'm a little sad thinking about moving. We had a neighbor that we really like come by with his little boy and after they left both Michael and I said we're going to miss their family! Then about an hour later the 4 sweet ladies from the Relief Society presidency in our ward came by to say goodbye (we're doing goodbyes already??!!) and it made me so sad. They are such sweet ladies and I am going to miss them so much!! I will miss them stopping by to just chat and check in. We are completely surrounded by really really good people and we are definitely going to miss them. I know that our new neighborhood will be wonderful too and I'm looking forward to it. I'm just sayin.


Elisa said...

We're going to miss you guys. Thanks for being good neighbors.

Oh and a quick funny story. Whenever we go to the craft store, Michael's, Charlie always mistakenly calls it Betsy's...probably because Michael and Betsy are married so it seems to make perfect sense to him :).

Betsy said...

Ok that is so cute!! We are going to miss you guys too!! I hope we can still keep in touch via email and blogs!!