Saturday, June 20, 2009

Promised Pictures

Forever ago I promised pictures of my food storage shopping and what all I got in one trip and what it cost. These pictures are from the first time I went and did price matching at Walmart and saved so much the manager had to come approve the transaction. This has become the norm when I do price matching! My total I believe was around $75.00. I got my full year supply of mayonnaise and marshmallows. I got half my supply of lemon juice and breadcrumbs. I added to my already year supply of pasta, cereal, cake mixes, frosting, instant potatoes and enchilada sauce. I started my supply of frozen veggies, and pasta salad mixes. (Michael wanted hot dogs for dinner that night so that's the items in front- they weren't price matched items, unfortunately). I absolutely love when a BBQ comes up or a potluck or a party at work where I have to bring something- i have a million and one different cakes/frosting I could bring, or pasta salads, or baked beans, or or you name it... with everything from my personal "grocery store" downstairs!! Seriously this food storage thing is addicting. I get such a rush on getting such good deals on food storage! We are growing our food storage while saving HUNDREDS of dollars in doing so. Love it!

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