Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Let the fun begin

I have 12 days off work starting today and I don't think I have been in this good of a mood in years, and it's CHRISTMAS!!! YIPPEE!

Last night Michael and I spent the night in the kitchen together. We made 2 kinds of bread- Mimi's carrot raisin bread and lemon poppy seed bread. Hopefully they turned out OK. Then we made my favorite cranberry jello salad.

Then we tackled our last present needing to be wrapped. The problem was though that it was a really big box! So... we took the opportunity to attempt to beat my dad's record of having the worst wrapped present. I am proud to say I think that we succeeded with flying colors!! What do you think??

That's right baby... duct tape!!

Then... For those of you who know us well know that we usually start opening each other's gifts closer to thanksgiving, but this year neither of us have opened a thing!! I'm so proud of us!! We are actually acting like adults! CRAZY! But we did cave and let Soph be naughty and open her present last night. I'm not sure how she feels about her new friend "Blue".


1 comment:

Kimberlyn said...

That is one beautiful present, whomever receives it should feel very proud. Gus would rip blue to pieces in about 5 minutes, I know he looks so sweet.