Thursday, October 30, 2008

Things I am greatful for...

Do you ever have one of those days/weeks/months/years... where everything just goes wrong? I've had one of those weeks- this week. I decided since i'm feeling pretty down and negative right now I should try to focus on the positives. So i'm making a list of things I am grateful for (please humor me at the small things :)
Here we go...
1. My sweet sweet husband!! I often wonder why I was so blessed to have him in my life and I know i'll never know the answer- but I am greatful every single day for him.
2. My sweet puppy- Any time i'm sad she smothers me with kisses. How can your day be bad after that?? And how does she know??
3. My family.We've had our share of rough times but I love them more then ever.
4. Bubble Baths- need I say more?
5. Minutemaid pomegranite tea-add in some Sonic Ice (the little bead kind) and you have a glass full of heavenly goodness right there!

More to come later...


Rachael said...

I have to say , that for sure is something we share in common, I wouldnt make it through the day without a bubble bath, I am so greatful for them! Last night I took 2. ha ha

BAWC said...

i have to agree with you about our dogs. i seriously feel like paisley understands when no one else does (cheesy but true).

RockinRobby said...

Yay! I love you to Betsy! And BE HAPPY! :)

Betsy said...

I love you too Kiddo!