Thursday, June 30, 2011

Hot Hubby's New Hobby

My hot hubby has picked up a new hobby recently. He went down a few weeks ago to work in the wood shop with my dad and they worked on the lathe. He instantly fell in love with it. He found a great deal on KSL and bought himself one about a week later. And, every day since he can be found out in the garage after work playing with it. He is really good at it and is sooooo enjoying it!! These are his completed projects so far:
One pen, two tops, and one mallett

And lucky me, his next project is making a rolling pin for his wifee!!

Can't wait! We're picking out the wood this weekend.


QNC said...

so cool! you will cherish these items forever!

Hot Hubby said...

I am hot arent I, I keep expecting to see the New Hutch very sad honey