Monday, February 8, 2010


I remember living at home and my mom saying to me quite often, "You need to slow it down!" and/or "You need to take a break!" Well I took one and it was heavenly! Yesterday was a much needed SLOW day. We have had a VERY busy last 2 weeks with appointments and work and meetings and all sorts of things, and then Sunday came, and it was heavenly. We stayed in PJ's almost the whole day (except to go see our friend in the hospital!). We watched movies in bed and ate yummy cookies together right out of the oven. Gingersnaps for me, Oatmeal Chocolate Chip for Michael. It was wonderful. A very quiet, peaceful, much needed break... together!! Usually days like this drive me absolutely crazy. I didn't accomplish a thing (unless you count making cookies in my pj's!), and I don't do well with that. If we're watching a movie- I must be doing something with my hands and accomplishing something (i.e. laundry, dishes, etc) or it's a waste of 2 hours for me. But, yesterday I did NOTHING and was perfectly fine with that!! I even found myself saying "why don't we do this more often??" This has been a very long habit for me, and I am happy to say I broke it for 1 day!! I so enjoyed just being with my handsome hubby and our sweet little brown pups. It was a good day.

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