Friday, January 22, 2010

Migraine Migraine GO AWAY!!!

Michael has been struggling with a migraine for about 4-5 days now. For anyone that gets migraines you know that 5 minutes of feeling like your head is going to explode is enough to put you over the edge, so days of this has been MISERABLE!! We have been through this enough times with me to know that the only way to get on top of one of these bad boys is to go into the hospital and get the medicine to get rid of it. So that's where we went. We went to the new Riverton Hospital (which by the way has been opened for several months and we haven't had to visit yet!! We're doing so good! The insta care there, that's another story.) It was really nice. The nurse we had was FANTASTIC. She would not let us leave until Michael got some much needed relief and she checked in on him seriously about every 10 minutes. We were there for about 3 hours and they sent us home, hoping that they had got on top of it enough and that in the morning he would feel better. Well he woke up feeling worse then before the hospital last night. He went in to see his doctor this morning and he said that it was due to a muscle that goes from his shoulder up into his head that was SUPER tight and is basically just clamping down on his brain! They gave him a toradol shot and sent him immediately to get physical therapy to try to get that to loosen up a bit. He called me 3 hours later not real happy. He got half an hour of treatment from teenagers (LOVE THAT!), and 2.5 hours of sitting in a hard chair in the waiting area. He is on his way home to try to get some sleep and take his medication to see if that will help. Poor kid! If anyone knows any tips to getting rid of migraines please let us know! He seriously has tried everything.

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