Sunday, November 15, 2009


Grandma was so great when the puppies were in the hospital. She went and sat with them almost daily, sometimes multiple times per day, and just talked to them and loved on them. When Soph was able to come home Grandma spent a few days with her watching over her to make sure she was OK and not alone during the day. But, she has not seen little miss ruby since she's been home, so we wanted to show a few cute pictures of her just for you. She sure is sweet!! This one is for you Grandma, we love you!


Chocolates for Breakfast said...

I'll agree...your Mom is an angel!...but with enough "devil" in her to make her one of my favorite people!

Betsy said...

Couldn't agree with you more!!
How is Meagan, has she had her baby yet???

Rachael said...

So cute I am so glad the pups are doing good, your moms so sweet to sit with them! They probably just love her!