Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Over already

The 4 day weekend is over already and I'm bummed already. Michael and I were on the go SO MUCH this weekend though that it was a nice break to be back at work and relaxing. That's sad when work is relaxing compared to the weekend! So here's some of the highlights.

FRIDAY: Michael got off work around 2:00. I ran errands, got an oil change, made peach jam, worked on cleaning the house etc. Then when Michael got home we ran some more errands together. We ran to the mall and saw one of the department stores was doing free makeovers so Michael was kind enough to wait for about an hour for me to get mine done. He grabbed his book from the car and waited patiently while I got pampered. Then we hurried home just in time for his and Scottie's T Time over at Riverbend Golf Course.

SATURDAY: We woke up early to hit a few garage sales, came home and got ready for the day and headed up to Park City to do some retail therapy. With Michael's new job we needed to get him some nice new clothes and it was a success. He found new shoes, shirts, pants, and socks. And looks pretty darn good in them if you ask me!!

(Nice pose babe!)
Then after Park City we headed to downtown SLC to Ichiban for dinner. They weren't open for another 2 hours so we just hung out until then. We stopped in at my Aunt and Uncles house and saw all of my cute cousins. We hit an antique store and one of the oriental markets to get a few things. Then we headed back for dinner and it was well worth the wait! DELICIOUS SUSHI!!

By the way... notice anything different??

California Roll/Vegas Roll/ Mars Roll = YUMMO!I got extensions! My head weighs about 20 pounds more with them in.
Definitely going to have to get used to that!

SUNDAY: Worked around the house for a bit. Ended up going out for lunch, and ran a few more errands (do they ever end?). We were toying with the idea of going to the new water park by us and didn't decide to go until 5:00. We were only there for 2 hours but it was lots of fun. It's such a fun water park, if you haven't gone yet you have to go!! They have thought of just about every way possible to soak you! They have 2 huge buckets that fill up and dump on everyone every 5 minutes. They also have cones and water guns that you can dump on people and shoot at people below you... it was awesome!
MONDAY: We worked on the yard first thing. I mowed while Michael did the weed eater. It was quite eventful this time for some reason, and not in a good way. Michael got stung by a bee, I was bit by an ant, and we saw the worlds biggest spider- and yes family- this time I'm serious! Michael will confirm it was ENORMOUS! He decided to break his rule of not killing spiders because he figured this one could eat Sophie! I was not sad to see him go. Then we got to work on painting our project and it's looking great! We've got 2-3 coats on it so far and it looks pretty sharp. Just waiting for it to dry and get new handles on it and we'll get her moved in.

After working on that we hit the movie's to go see Sandra Bullock's new movie- All About Steve... pretty cheesy, but still enjoyable.
TUESDAY: Back to work and never been more glad about it! Sitting at a desk for 8 hours and not having to move! Michael is loving his new job and can't wait to get past the training and on the phones and selling.


Kimberlyn said...

I wondered about your hair when I saw the first picture. It's so cute!

Jen said...

Okay gorgeous! I LOVE the new hair and you are looking faboosh!